
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hold on and enjoy the ride!

So here it is, my first entry. After much thought and a little bit of debate (mostly with myself) I have decided to write a blog. After looking at both sides of the "to write or not to write" I made the decision to go ahead and write. 

I guess I was a little concerned about what I would actually write, but after reading so many other blogs I decided it didn't really matter! It's kind of like that question "If a tree falls in a forest and no-one hears it, did it really fall?" Of course it fell! It's on the ground isn't it? The same goes here, if I write about whatever and no-one reads I'll still's more about the process, a place to air my thoughts, an outlet to ramble, to share an opinion or thought, or an amazing moment I have experienced.

This blog will be about whatever is happening at the time. Hope you enjoy the ride. I'd love to hear your comments and I'm stoked you've chosen to take a peak of my journey...

1 comment:

  1. hey there!!!!
    Welcome TO blog world!!!I'm glad you decided to write because it feels like we never see each other any more and this is a great way to keep in touch!!!
    Love Besty
